Parish Garden Competition Winners

The Bermuda Parish Gardening Competition was initiated to encourage and celebrate our residents who have a garden within the community. Gardening improves food insecurity among individuals and families, promoting healthy living and offering consistent access to healthy foods.

The 2024 Bermuda Parish Garden Competition, “Let’s Grow Together”, was spearheaded by Chaplain Dr. Kevin JT Santucci, who facilitates the Grow Eat Save classes on how to grow your fruits and vegetables.

The competition, organised by the Department of Health and Parks Department, was held between March 25 and June 7. This year the Department of Parks also provided each school entrant with (2), 3ft loquat tree certificates to plant on the property to promote the growing of fruit trees on the island. 

The categories are Small Garden, Large Garden, Non-Traditional Garden, School Garden, and Community Garden.

There were 77 signed-up participants.

  • 17 Small Garden
  • 21 Large Garden
  • 16 Non-traditional Garden
  • 17 Schools
  • 6 Community Garden


The 2024 Bermuda Parish Garden Competition Ceremony was held on June 20, 2024. A list of winners and participants follows.


Overall Winner - Bermuda Parish Gardening Competition

Gilbert Institute (Mrs. Jana Pitcher)




  • 1st Place - Mrs. Denise Goring
  • 2nd Place - Ms. Pandora Clemons
  • 3rd Place - Mr. Walter Stevens 

Hounorable Mention

  • Mr. Eston Rawlins  
  • Mrs. Peri Trott 


Mrs. Allison Maycock




  • 1st Place - Ms. Donabeth Sayon
  • 2nd Place - Mr. Jeff Sousa
  • 3rd Place - Mr. Kirihetti Halpe

Honourable Mention

  • Mrs. Marcia Ingham
  • Mrs. Shakira Dill-Francois 


Mrs. Janet Smith and Family




  • 1st Place - Mrs. Deanne DeSilva – 1st Place and overall non-traditional garden winner 
  • 2nd Place - Ms. Pauline Arcega
  • 3rd Place - Mrs. Denise Goring

Honourable Mention

  • Ms. Heather Thomas 
  • Mrs. Gretchen Tucker 


Non-traditional participants

  • Miss. Maya Fitzmaurice-Trott
  • Mr. Charles Marshall
  • Mr. Junior Shaw



  • 1st Place - Mr. Ernie Ogalesco, overall community garden winner
  • 2nd Place - Mr. Charles Marshall
  • 3rd Place - Miss. Krishay Tucker


High School

The Berkeley Institute (Dr. Alshia Lugo)


Middle School

  • 1st Place - Warwick Academy (Mrs. Jill Finnigan )
  • 2nd Place - Saltus Grammar School (Mr. Paul Wright)
  • 3rd Place - Sandys Secondary Middle School (Mrs. LESLIE EVANS)


Primary School

  • 1st Place - Gilbert Institute (Mrs. Jana Pitcher)
  • 2nd Place - Dalton E. Tucker Primary School (Mrs. Zonique Furbert )
  • 3rd Place - Somersfield Academ (Ms. Tracy Osborne) – 3rd Place


Overall School Garden winner (plaque presented by Commissioner of police)

Gilbert Institute


Honourable Mentions

  • Harrington Sound Primary School (Mrs. Carolyn Conway)
  • Paget Primary School (Ms. Tracie Williams)
  • Somerset Primary School (Ms. Lisa Siese)


All schools that entered the Competition received a loquat tree to be planted on their grounds. Loquat trees donated by the Department of Parks.


  • Bermuda High School
  • Dalton E. Tucker Primary School
  • Elliott Primary School
  • Francis Patton Primary School
  • Gilbert Institute Primary School
  • Harrington Sound Primary School
  • Saltus Grammar School 
  • Sandys Secondary Middle School
  • Somerset Primary School
  • Somersfield Academy
  • St. George’s Preparatory School
  • The Berkeley Institute
  • Warwick Academy



The Bermuda Parish Gardening Competition was initiated to encourage and celebrate our residents who have a garden within the community. Gardening improves food insecurity among individuals and families, promoting healthy living and offering consistent access to healthy foods.

The categories are Small Garden, Large Garden, Non-Traditional Garden, School Garden, and Community Garden.

To ensure everyone has an opportunity to learn how to grow their own food, Chaplin Dr. Kevin Santucci and the Department of Health, in partnership with kind volunteers, Non-Governmental Agencies, and the Department of Parks, started the Grow Eat Save gardening program and the Bermuda Parish Gardening Competition.

There were 103 entrants this year.

Overall Winner - Bermuda Parish Gardening Competition

Warwick Academy


  • 1st Place - Mr. Shannon Philpott
  • 2nd Place - Mrs. Victoria Saltus
  • 3rd Place - Ms. Angela Young

Honorable Mention

  • Mrs. Sandra Burrows
  • Mrs. Margaret Giloth
  • Mr. Akeem Albouy
  • Mrs. Maricel Correia
  • Ms. Lelanie Golajer
  • Ms. Rosa Ward


  • Mr. Aldon Samuels
  • Mr. Edward Ball
  • Mr. Steve M.C. Smith
  • Dr. Marisa Stones
  • Mr. Liam Stones
  • Mrs. Nadine Breeze
  • Ms. Brigitta Wohlmuth
  • Mrs. Peri Nolan-Trott
  • Ms. Andrea Mckey
  • Ms. D. Noah Ascento

Large Garden

  • 1st Place - Mrs. Janet Smith
  • 2nd Place - Dr. Nicole Harford
  • 3rd Place - Mr. Nahshon Hollis

Honorable Mention

  • Dr. Edwin Smith
  • Mr. Hugh Norbert Seymour
  • Mr. George Andrew Simons CDP


  • Mr. Chris Philips

Non-Traditional Garden

  • 1st Place - Mrs. La-Keesha Bean
  • 2nd Place - Ms. Rosa Ward 2nd
  • 3rd Place - Mrs. Deanne DeSilva

Honorable Mention

  • Mrs. Denise Goring
  • Ms. Dionne Tuzo
  • Mrs. Marie Stewart
  • Miss Alandra Swan
  • Miss. Heather Thomas
  • Ms. Jennifer Trott


  • Ms. Kenya Wales
  • Mr. Christopher Smith
  • Mr. Wesley Trott
  • Mr. Dale Butler

School Gardens: Presented by Chief Inspector Darrin Glasford

School Garden (Preschool) 

  • 1st Place - Warwick Pre-School
  • 2nd Place - Lagoon Park Pre-School

School Garden (Primary School)   

  • 1st Place - Paget Primary School
  • 2nd Place - Gilbert Institute
  • 3rd Place - Somerset Primary

Honorable Mention

  • Victor Scott Primary School
  • St. Georges Preparatory
  • Francis Patton Primary School
  • West Pembroke Primary School
  • Harrington Sound Primary School
  • East End Primary School

School Garden (Middle School)

  • 1st Place - Warwick Academy
  • 2nd Place - Dellwood Middle School
  • 3rd Place - Chatmore British International School

School Garden (High School)

  • 1st Place - CedarBridge Academy

Community Garden: Presented by Chaplain Dr. Kevin Santucci 

  • 1st Place - Ms. Sabrina & Sheila Wilkinson
  • 2nd Place - Mr. Antoine Lambert
  • 3rd Place - Ms. Michely Vivar

Honorable Mention

  • Ms. Susan Hill Davidson
  • Mr. Charles Marshall
  • Mr. Antoine Lambert
  • Plot 4 – Rosa Ward
  • Miss Colina Outerbridge
  • Mrs. Caroline Butterfield-Pitt


  • Mrs. Scherene Bailey
  • Renaissance Re