Good afternoon all, and thank you for joining us.
As the Premier announced earlier this week, we have updated the COVID-19 Regulations. The changes took effect today. As a reminder for the public here’s what is now in place. After consultation with the Ministry of Health, the following changes have been agreed:
Group gatherings of persons in a private or public setting will increase from a maximum of 10 to a maximum of 25 people - this also includes outdoor funerals.
However there will be no Large Group exemptions approved at this time.
Changes to the regulations also cover indoor bars and nightclubs.
Indoor bars and nightclubs can re-open but they will only be permitted to operate as table service only, with a maximum of 6 at a table.
No bar service will be permitted.
And, we will review any additional changes to the regulations in two weeks.
Yesterday, we had some encouraging news from the Ministry of Health that there were zero positive COVID cases.
After a terrible outbreak of the coronavirus in our community last November, we are now seeing the benefits of the implementation of the necessary restrictions that were put in place just before the holidays.
The compliance of the community is why we are starting to see the lower numbers of infections.
And it’s thanks to these collective efforts that we can make these modifications to the regulations.
As a reminder we continue to be under curfew.
The curfew will remain in place between the hours of midnight - 5 am, with businesses closing at 11 pm. In that regard, we must ensure the community’s compliance of the updated COVID-19 regulations.
To aid in that, the Bermuda Police Service’s COVID Compliance Team continue to be active in visiting various businesses, bars and restaurants to ensure that patrons and establishments are engaging in the appropriate health and safety protocols.
They are also checking to ensure that businesses and patrons are complying with the current curfew.
So we want to remind the public that if you intend to be out and about in the evening hours to please plan ahead by ensuring you have enough time to get home before the midnight curfew.
The BPS’s COVID Compliance Team in partnership with the Bermuda Reserve Police will be monitoring the curfew checkpoints. And they will also be out on the roads to ensure the safety of the motoring public.
I did want to provide a brief update from the BPS on the curfew breeches. In total there have been 34 breeches since December 18 2020. The breakdown per Parish is as follows:
- 1 Sandy’s
- 1 Southampton
- 3 Warwick
- 11 Paget
- 7 Pembroke
- 3 Devonshire
- 3 Hamilton
- 1 Smiths
- 2 St. George’s
The gender breakdown is:
- 19 males
- 15 females
Currently there are five (5) persons who have been approved for charges by the Department of Public Prosecutions and 27 are still pending.
Lastly, as always, I wish to encourage our community to please exercise personal responsibly and common sense.
Please continue to keep your family and friend bubbles small.
Please continue to follow the health guidelines to protect you and your families.
Please refrain from hosting events more than the allotted group numbers.
Please practice physical distancing, proper hand hygiene and wear a mask when in public spaces and places.
And if you’re in attendance at any establishment or location around the island and see any breaches of the COVID-19 regulations by persons or businesses – please do not hesitate to call 2-11 to report the violations.
As I close I wish to thank the community for their cooperation and continue to encourage vigilance to protect you and your loved ones.
Thank you.