The Bermuda Census

The Bermuda Census provides a snapshot of the demographic profile of Bermuda’s people and its economy at a particular point in time. It counts the number of people living in each area of a country and measures important characteristics about its society. This allows for comparisons to be made between geographical locations and across different time periods.

Today, population and housing censuses are important for social development and economic planning. The United Nations encourages countries worldwide to conduct censuses at least every 10 years so that benchmark data is collected about its population in areas such as education, health, employment, fertility, income and housing. This data is useful for evidence-based decision-making.

How census data is collected

People are asked questions pertaining to health care, education, employment, income, housing, international migration, fertility, etc. The data collection phase is the heart of any population and housing census, and therefore it is important that we provide accurate information when completing our census questionnaires.

The most recent Census was in 2016

2016 Census Maps

2016 Population and Housing Animation video

2016 Population and Housing Census Parish Profiles


2016 Population and Housing Census Infographic Topics

Accompanying information to various census reports