Child care information for parents

Looking for child care?

Use these resources to help you look for quality child care:

S.T.A.R.S. Inspection

The Child Care Regulation Programme utilizes a comprehensive inspection tool which has been designed using the Children Act 1998, the Day Care Centre Regulations 1999, and the Child Care Standards 2018. Child Care Regulation officers score the day care establishment on items such as health, safety, supervision, staff, caregiver competencies, developmental activities, and parent & family engagement using a standard inspection form. See the S.T.A.R.S summary reports.

S.T.A.R.S Rating 

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Child day care allowance

Visit the page for Day Care Centres or Day Care Providers for information on their application process and requirements.

Looking for a camp?

Your child will spend a lot of time at camp during the summer break and other holidays. Ensure that the camp is run well and in a safe environment with the following guides:

Safe Camps Guide (1.77 MB)

Visit the page for child care providers for information on their application process and requirements.


Feeding a child (infant, toddler or preschooler) can be difficult. Our Children’s health page can help or use the tools below:

Feeding your baby (796.18 KB)
Happy mealtimes (2.88 MB)

Immunisations, Health Clinics

Below are some helpful resources to keep your child healthy:

Health clinics

Immunization Schedules

Disease Fact Sheets

Development Support

The Department of Health provides early intervention services for babies and young children. For more information about these resources visit:

Asthma Resources

Child Care Training and Education Resources

Dental health

P1 Screening

Occupational Therapy for Children

Physiotherapy treatment

Speech-Language Therapy

 Visit the page for Day Care Centres and Day Care Providers for information on their application process and requirements.