The Hon. Everard T. (Bob) Richards JP, MP

Meetings in the UK/Brussels

The Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance travelled to the United Kingdom and Brussels for meetings with Brussels and Paris Representatives (European Parliament) on TIEA and tax and solvency matters, and to attend ABIR Conference (9th Annual International Insurance Regulatory Issue Dialogue meetings), in Brussels.


The Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance travelled on official Government business with a delegation of Government officials to the annual RIMS Conference.

Joint Ministerial Consultative Conference/Meetings with UK officials

The Minister of Finance, the Hon. Everard T. Richards, JP. MP. and the Secretary to the Cabinet, Dr. Derrick Binns, attended the Annual Overseas Territories Joint Ministerial Council (JMC) Conference in the United Kingdom (1st - 4th December, 2014). The JMC brings together political leaders from the Overseas Territories and UK Ministers, and is the principle forum for reviewing and implementing the shared strategy for promoting the security and good governance of the Territories and their sustainable economic and social development.

Meetings with UK Treasury and finance officials: keynote speaker at Bermuda Society & Secretariat Dinner

The Minister of Finance met with Lord Deighton, Commercial Secretary to HM Treasury, to put forward Bermuda's position of Beneficial Ownership ahead of the upcoming Overseas Territories Joint Ministerial Council JMC in the UK. The Minister also met with various financial institutions in order to explain the benefits of doing business in Bermuda. Finally the Minister was the keynote speaker at the Bermuda Society & Secretariat annual dinner for members and guests.

2014 G30 International Banking Seminar

The Minister of Finance attended the G30 International Banking Seminar on Sunday, 12th October, 2014, in Washington D.C.  Travel dates:11th - 13th October, 2014. Venue: Inter-American Development Bank: Transport: Book-a-Limo: Accommodation: Mayflower Hotel, Washington D.C.