S.T.A.R.S Rating for Day Care Provider (DCP) Certificates and Day Care Centre (DCC) Licences

S.T.A.R.S stands for Striving for excellence, Target a play-based approach, Accountable to children, parents, yourselves, Responsive to the individuals needs of the child, Safe and Healthy (Environment). 

The first five years of life are the most critical periods in children’s brain development. As approximately 90% of Bermuda's children are receiving day care within this period, the aim of Child Care Regulation Programmes (CCRP) is to ensure all children have access to happy, healthy, safe and developmentally appropriate childcare. 

To this end, CCRP utilizes a S.T.A.R.S inspection with Day Care Centres (DCC) and Day Care Providers (DCP) to evaluate the day care setting. This comprehensive inspection tool was designed using the Children Act 1998, the Day Care Centre Regulations 1999, and the Child Care Standards 2018, which are aligned with international best practice standards*.  

DCC’s and DCP’s must receive at least a 3 STARS rating which indicates the setting has met the minimum requirements by law. Those with 4 and 5 STARS ratings have exceeded the requirements by successfully implementing additional best practice standards. 

Examples of best practice standards: 

DCP- supervising the children at all times and ensuring safe materials and equipment that meet the developmental stages of the children in care.

DCC - Pose challenges and ask questions that stimulate children's thinking and problem solving skills, media viewing practice observed- restricting TV viewing within the first two years, 10 hours of Continuing Professional Development for all staff.

Annual inspections are unannounced. Child Care Regulation officers score the day care establishment on items such as health, safety, supervision, developmental activities, and parent & family engagement using a standard inspection form.

*The jurisdictions reviewed for the Standards were CARICOM, National Association for the Education of Young Children and Caring for our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards.

DCP’s are evaluated in 13 areas while DCC’s are evaluated in 15 areas. The table below lists examples of the areas evaluated.


  1. Regulation – DOH certificate, CPR/First aid certified and vetted by CCRP 

  1. Leadership and Management- Mandated reporter policy, Emergency procedures policy and Compliant policy   

  1. Supervision – Max of three children in care, daily attendance, active supervision 

  1. Children Files- enrollment application, authorization for pick up, emergency contact 

  1. Safety- gates at the top and bottom of stairs, medicine, cleaning supplies and toxins not accessible to children

  1. Sanitation- toilet and sink with running water, potties cleaned and sanitized if soiled.

  1. Health – children have an assigned place to sleep

  1. Outside play space - Shade is available for all children and space is free from hazards. 

  1. Learning Environment & Materials- adequate space for functional learning and development. 

  1. Caregiver Competencies- interacting and talking to children at eye level.

  1. Infants (3- 12 mos.) - Expressed milk and formula (dry or ready-to-use) must be sent pre-measured.

  1. Developmental Activities- Developmentally appropriate activities are planned

  1. Parent/Family Engagement- Regular feedback to parents about observations, concerns, activities and progress is provided both written and verbally.




  1. Licence– Valid Fire certificate, DOH licence, General liability.  

  1. Personnel- Qualification documentation for leadership positions, ensure the care centre operates with at least two staff at any time.

  1. Staff – Copy of vetting documents for staff, continuing professional development documentation.   

  1. Children Files- enrollment application, authorization for pick up, emergency contact 

  1. Leadership and Management- Mandated reporter policy, Emergency procedures policy, Discipline policy, Safe sleep policy, Open door policy. 

  1. Supervision - Ratio and group size requirements are maintained, clear sight lines at all times, daily attendance records maintained.

  1. Safety- gates at the top and bottom of stairs, medicine, cleaning supplies and toxins not accessible to children, fully stocked first aid kit and portable first aid kit. 

  1. Sanitation- toilet and sink with running water, potties cleaned and sanitized if soiled, Soap and towels provided at all times for the children, changing tables and pads cleaned and disinfected after each use.

  1. Health – children have an assigned place to sleep with suitable bedding that is washable, maintained in a clean condition and of sound construction and of suitable size for the child.

  1. Outside play space - Shade is available for all children and space is free from hazards that promotes the intellectual, social and physical development of children.

  1. Learning Environment & Materials- adequate space for functional learning and development, learning materials reflect diversity to include appreciation for cultural differences

  1. Caregiver Competencies- interacting and talking to children at eye level, pose challenges, and ask questions that stimulate children's thinking and problem-solving skills.

  1. Infants (3- 12 mos.) - Expressed milk and formula must be sent pre-measured, a safe sleep environment for infants to reduce the risk of SIDS.

  1. Developmental Activities- A well- balanced programme with developmentally appropriate activities that are planned, periods indoor and outdoor.   

  1. Parent/Family Engagement- Regular feedback to parents about observations, concerns, activities and progress is provided both written and verbally.

Any daycare setting that receives a STARS rating that is below 70 % with critical violations must be corrected immediately to remove an imminent risk to the children. The setting will be given a corrective monitoring plan and a re-evaluation with take place within a 3-month period enabling the setting to potentially evaluate their score. Those with 1 STARS equates to below 59% are placed on a provisional certificate/licence.

5 STARS - 90-100%               4 STARS- 80-89%      3 STARS - 70-79%

2 STARS – 60-69%                1 STARS – Below 59%

Annually issued day care certificates/licences, must be prominently displayed inside establishments, and will show the most recent STARS rating.

All DCP and DCC STARS summary reports are available here:


Day Care Centres

Day Care Providers




New providers/centres will automatically be under review for the first 3 to 6 months, and an inspection will be conducted within a year.