COVID-19 Daily Release 8 June 2021

The Ministry of Health received 1193 test results since the last update, and zero (0) were positive for COVID-19. This gives a test positivity rate of 0.0%. Additionally, there was one (1) recovery and no deaths.
There are currently eight (8) active cases, of which;
• Eight (8) are under public health monitoring and;
• None are in the hospital.
Since March 2020, Bermuda has recorded 2497 total confirmed cases of COVID-19; out of those, 2456 persons have recovered, and sadly, 33 COVID related deaths.
The source of all cases is as follows:
· 308 are Imported
· 2185 are classified as local transmission of which:
o 1681 are Local Transmission with known contact/source and
o 504 are Local Transmission with an unknown contact/source
· 4 are Under Investigation
For information regarding age distributions, please refer to
As investigations proceed, transmission categories may change. The seven-day average of our real-time reproduction number is less than one (1).
Bermuda’s current WHO country status remains “Community Transmission
Bermuda has completed the twenty-first full week of vaccinations. Since January 11th, we have administered a total of 73,702 vaccinations – a figure that rises to 74,852 if you include vaccinations on Sunday, June 6th and Monday, June 7th as well!
Of the 73,702 vaccinations given as of June 5th:
- 52% are women, and,
- 48% are men.
80.2% of all residents over the age of 65 have had at least one vaccination, and 75.2% are fully immunized.
To date, 61.3% of the population has been vaccinated (1 dose), and 53.8% of the population has been immunized (2 doses).
“Covid-19 cases are down in Bermuda, thanks in part to our aggressive testing and vaccine programme. As well, the United States Centres for Disease Control today upgraded Bermuda’s Covid-19 risk rating,” said Minister of Health, Kim Wilson, JP, MP. “Bermuda is now classed as Level 2, moderate, up from Level 4, very high in a travel advisory on the organisation’s website. However, we must continue to be vigilant to avoid any additional outbreaks.”
“Our last first dose vaccines were administered today, and the response was good. I encourage anyone who wants to be vaccinated to please register your interest at We will order more vaccines if we have the need.”
“For anyone who is homebound and wants to get vaccinated, a team from the Bermuda College vaccination centre is available to administer the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine. They will also visit those homebound persons requiring second doses up to June 30th.”
“Anyone who feels they need a home visit for the Covid-19 vaccine can contact the Hotline at 444-2498 and select Option #2, or email, and the team will arrange a visit.”
Each of us has a role to play in stopping the spread of the coronavirus. Follow Public Health guidelines, wear a mask, practice good hand hygiene, maintain physical distance and download the WeHealthBermuda app. Do the research, talk with your doctor and make an informed decision about getting the COVID-19 vaccine.