World Autism Awareness and Acceptance Day

The Minister of Youth, Social Development and Seniors, the Hon Tinee Furbert, JP, MP, at the World Autism Awareness and Acceptance Day Proclamation Ceremony earlier today.
Autism affects all persons regardless of race, religion, socio-economic status or geography and
The incidence of Autism worldwide is 1 in every 100 and 1 in every 36 children according to CDC and
Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a neurological variant that affects how
people communicate and interact. As a spectrum condition, it affects people in different ways and
In the words of the National Autism Society:
People with Autism face discrimination and barriers across all sectors of society – in the health and
social care systems, in education, in employment, and everywhere in between.
It is crucial that autistic people, and their families and caregivers, can access tailored information,
guidance and support to overcome those barriers, access opportunities to explore their interests,
develop skills and build friendships for fulfilled lives and
People with Autism do not need to be cured or fixed, but rather to be accepted and supported
according to their level of need to function in a neurotypical world and
In Bermuda, we want the community to be aware of autism and what it is. Moreover, we want persons
with autism to be accepted as valuable members of the community and
Now, therefore, I, The Hon. Tinee Furbert , Minister of Youth, Social Development and Seniors do
hereby proclaim that the Island of Bermuda implements the ideals of World Autism Awareness Day on
this, the 2nd day of April, 2024, and declare the month of April as Autism Acceptance Month.
Remarks: Hon Minister Tinee Furbert
Today, as we celebrate World Autism Awareness and Acceptance Day, we aim to create a more inclusive society where individuals with autism can live fulfilling lives and reach their full potential.
World Autism Awareness and Acceptance Day also emphasizes the importance of embracing neurodiversity and recognizing the unique strengths and abilities of people on the autism spectrum.
Autism awareness and understanding are crucial for fostering an inclusive community.
Businesses, schools, and other establishments must educate themselves about autism and provide necessary support and accommodations.
Despite growing awareness, there are still instances of discrimination and lack of understanding.
Autism is a lifelong condition, and the need for support and understanding will persist. Therefore, continuous efforts in education and training are essential for businesses and our community.
Businesses and community organizations should provide training sessions and resources to educate staff about autism. This includes recognizing signs of autism, understanding individual needs, and implementing inclusive practices.
We also need to ensure that physical spaces and activities are accessible and welcoming for individuals with autism. This may include sensory-friendly environments and communication strategies tailored to their needs.
There needs to be a concerted effort to work closely with our local support groups and professionals to access resources and guidance in creating inclusive environments.
By taking proactive steps to educate themselves and create inclusive environments, businesses and the community can help ensure that individuals with autism have equal opportunities and support to thrive, and through changing mindsets and education, we increase acceptance.
Genuine acceptance necessitates a comprehensive approach beyond legal frameworks and delves into understanding, inclusion, and respect.
To achieve genuine acceptance, there needs to be a willingness to embrace and celebrate differences. Rather than viewing autism as a deviation from the norm, we should recognize it as a natural variation of human neurodiversity.
By valuing the unique perspectives and talents of autistic individuals, we can foster a culture that appreciates diversity in all its forms.
Thank you.